20×20 oil
I sat on the ground, maybe twenty feet away, and observed the spell-binding sacred moment of birth.
The labor, the exhaustion, the slow delivery process, the maternal instincts for cleanup and greeting her offspring, the bonding . . . all consumed my camera’s attention for over two hours. The other cows grazed silently nearby, as in a prayer vigil for the completion of the task.
This moment, this precious moment, was captured as the Mother Angus was successful in nudging the new life to stand on its own four feet. The cord was detached. Air was expanding the lungs of the little one. Thin legs were shaky, but strong. Initiation to the herd followed after this.
The Mother will continue her role of guiding and providing, until the young one is ready for independence. I’ll keep watching to determine how she knows when it is time.
With humans, the cords may be detached, but the heart strings remain intact for years and miles. And, we are glad to be able to keep in touch with our children through technology. Call your Mama, today.
This is just beautiful, Melanie; the painting AND the story. Thank you for sharing!❤️
Thank you for reading and following!
Beautifully written. And I wish I could call my Mama …. And yours. Two very special ladies in Heaven. Love you and miss you!!
I wonder if they are talking about us! 😉 Thanks for the comment, Lynn. Love you!
You captured both moment and feeling in this work, Melanie.
Mission Accomplished, then! Thank you, Mike!
Great story. Awesome attention to the details of the moments.
You captured this beautiful moment in time so well—with words and your art, Melanie … Thank you for sharing!
I, too, miss my mama.
Thanks so much, Judi! Hugs!