From the Ground Up!
From the Ground Up

“From the Ground Up” implies beginning on ground level, 

                                                      where the only direction to go is up.

If you have been following my paintings, you will remember I have been painting big Texas skies for a few years. I decided to switch perspective and paint “from the ground up.”

One reason for the theme, From the Ground Up, is an effort to tie Carvings and Canvases together for the next big show.  Sculptor Kevin Rackley and I did not know each other before it was suggested that our works might pair together in a duo show.  What did we have in common?  Artworks, inspired by this beautiful earth on which we live, and a mutual appreciation for the Creator and all that is created From the Ground Up!”

I’m sure we all have had times when we began a new venture and literally did it “from the ground up.” It can be daunting, and also exciting!

Almost five years ago, my husband and I sold or gave away many of our possessions and loaded a Penske truck to move from Georgia to Texas, in order to be with our Texan son’s family.  We bought/built/renovated a home, learned to landscape in the Blackland Prairie, traded our little Prius for an SUV that could handle dirt roads better, made new friends in a new environment, managed to maneuver the road constructions of Waco, constructed an art studio and workshop, and became acquainted with this place we now call “home.” All, from the ground up!

I wondered what this move would mean as I was just getting a good start in Georgia with a second act career of being a full-time artist, after retiring from teaching. I wanted to keep painting, but would need to start afresh with clients and prove my abilities “from the ground up.”  

The collection of work in this upcoming show represents the first five years of my painting in Texas.  As a plein air painter, I have enjoyed exploring new places and becoming familiar with the western landscape through artist observation.  This time, the perspective shifts to the ground and the plants growing from it.  Several of these landscapes were painted from my porch (near Mart, TX). Some paintings depict the western environments, seen through recent travels through New Mexico and Arizona. The presence of cows in my paintings are influenced by animals I have made peace with on our property.  And the beautiful Texas Skies continue to lift my eyes upward to more heavenly realms. 

The show is for you to see and enjoy. But it is also for me, to put a marker on the last five years of painting: my experiences, my communication, my therapy, my artworks.

(Buy them all so I will have room to paint more!)

Glory Fills the Skies! a Solo Show of Visual and Written Observations by Melanie Stokes

What a thrill it is to see three years worth of paintings and writings, all hanging in one gallery!

At Warehouse Living Arts Center 119 W. 6th Avenue Corsicana, TX

If you have been following this Texas journey, you know how I’ve been obsessed with observing the big skies and painting them. These twenty five paintings are each 24×30 gallery wrapped canvas with painted edges. Though I do paint en plein air often, these were painted in the studio from my own photos and studies. And most of them were inspired from our property, right here in Mart, Texas.

The show, Glory Fills the Skies!, will be at the Warehouse Living Arts Center in Corsicana, Texas until September 28. I am grateful to the many who came to the opening reception to share this experience with me. And I love watching people use the QR codes to read The Story Behind the Paintings on my website.

Here are a few other opportunities to visit the show during September:

Weekdays until September 28 – 12 noon to 5 p.m.

September 8, 6:00-7:15 p.m. Meet the Artist (Before opening of Our Town theatre production by WLAC)

September 12 – 10 a.m. – FBC Waco Senior Life Group Visit

SATURDAY, September 17 – 12 noon to 5 p.m.

AND, be watching for the release of the images on my website for those who would like to visit and purchase via internet. Sign up for my newsletter to be sure you are notified when released.

Each painting is $550, (plus sales tax and shipping.) A few samples…

Glory Fills the Skies!

30 Days of Daily Painting

Have you been following on Instagram?

If not, let me catch you up quickly.  I entered the 30 Day Strada Easel Challenge to paint or draw each day from life and post daily.  I chose to begin the month of September only using black and white.  With my Copic Sketch Markers, I used only 3 values in greyscale to sketch.  Some days I used pencil.  I even tried black and white paint! (see September news)  But, by Day 15, I was really missing color in my paintings!  That’s when I broke out the red and repainted the hummingbird study (it sold) and more paintings with color followed after that!  

What did I learn from this Challenge?
1.  Painting is my job.  I will show up every day for work.
2.  Drawing in grayscale is basic to seeing the darkness or lightness of a color in life.   Thumbnail sketches before painting are key!
3.  Drawing from life helps me work faster because the conditions change so quickly!
4.  Weather influences my art. 
5.  There are many artists posting on Instagram. Group challenges like this give opportunities to meet wonderful comrades in painting!

Time to pack these daily artworks, 11×14 and smaller, away! If you see one that you like, message me — I will send you a better uncropped photo of the painting so you can see it better, and make you a deal! …  I am ready to move on to some BIG Canvases!

End of Summer
End of Summer
11×14 Oil on panel

I am coming to the end of a season, in more ways than weather. While the fall breezes are beginning to tickle at the edges of the intense summer heat, our time at The Ranch is coming to a close, also. Our new build is finished inside! We are moving in this week! After nine months of being in a transitory state, I think we have birthed a barndominium!

Before and After

You might remember, we began with a metal barn on 29 acres. Steve took walls apart, designed a new floorplan, and we secured a contractor to get this project underway. We chose this site because it is six miles from our son’s family. The acreage gives “room to breathe,” and be close to nature. Interior photos coming soon!

Since November 2018, we have lived in a log home at the 85 acre ranch on the northwest side of Waco. (If you missed those adventures, scroll back and read the blog.) It has been the perfect Artist Retreat for me with access to almost daily plein air painting. And, I have more than 50 or so new paintings and studies from this place.

I’m in the process of revealing these new paintings in a special online art show on this website! Also, many of them will be featured in my space at the Brazos Fine Art Show, to be held at the Waco Hilton, November 8-10. All paintings are for sale!

The end of a season is usually welcomed. Most of us are glad to pack away summer clothes and get out sweaters. (Most of us are just as glad to pack away those sweaters when the warmth of spring rolls back around. ) Yet, there is something melancholy about coming to the end of a season. And while my knees are ready to live on one level again, and I am eager to bid the outside laundry room goodbye, I will miss the sunrises over the pond, the surprises of wildlife strolling by, the shade of the front porch swing and the ever present hospitality of the Covington Family, the owners of the Ranch.

With gratitude, and a bit of anxiety, I close this chapter and look forward to what’s ahead on Red Gate Road. —Melanie Stokes

End in Sight
8×10 oil

Welcome Spring!

And when I say “Welcome Spring,” I truly say that with feeling and meaning this year! Was it a long winter for you? Or is it just me? (My thoughts go out to those who live “above the snow line.”) Here are a few spring paintings from my easel:
At Day’s End 16×20 oil

Spring Paintings En Plein Air:

Bluebonnets are just beginning their season! More to come!

I am certainly enjoying being able to paint outside comfortably and seeing more variety of colors in the Texas landscapes. And yes, all those infamous Texas wildflowers are truly amazing!
Morning in Brazos Park East – 9×12 Oil
Morning in Brazos Park East – Waco, Texas

All paintings are available. Contact me for prices and commissions.

A Recent Commissioned Piece – based on a plein air study of peach orchard – 24×36 oil


To answer the question I know you want to ask, …”Yes, construction has begun on our home!” (That was another reason the winter of waiting seemed to be long.) Steve has been drawing up plans and doing the “Demolition Dance.” Now, our contractor will take our ideas and this shell of a metal building and turn it into a home. (Really. We aren’t crazy, just creative. Stay tuned to be sure!)

The Month of the Move!


Well, November has been our month of journeys.  Moving from Thomson, Georgia to Waco, Texas has included three trips westward with trucks and loads, one plane ride back to pick up a second vehicle, and more miles in GA than it takes to get to Waco, in order to take care of business, and the Thanksgiving Goodbye Tour!  We stayed in nine different places in two weeks in five states.  We have settled in as Texans just in time for Christmas!

Our oldest son and family live in Waco, and asked us to move “before we get too old.”  Things began to fall into place, and here we are, beginning a new chapter in our journey.  We are buying 29 acres and the beginnings of a house that we will renovate.  Meanwhile, we have been given a place to stay as long as needed on an 80 acre ranch, through the hospitality of a kind and generous friend.  I look forward to painting this peaceful setting and sharing it with you in the months ahead. 

In November…

   Painting on Peter’s Point – Amelia Island, FL
After weeks of packing, rather than painting, I was thrilled to have time to paint en plein air during a visit with family. 

Morning Walk (not available)

First Show in Texas!

I’m excited to begin this new chapter with an acceptance into a December Art Show at Cultivate712 Art Gallery in Downtown Waco!  The theme “Sacred Reflections” seemed the right time to submit these two paintings.  They will hang there for the month of December.  

Light for My Path, 24×24 $400
A Rough Road, 12×12 $165

No matter if you are moving across the country, or travelling the same route every day, we all go through potholes, have flat tires, and get stuck at times. But we follow a Savior who knows the way and makes the path straight. 

It’s all about the journey, remember.  …And who travels with you on the way. 

May our Christmas season reflect the path of Peace, available to us all year long, through Jesus Christ, our Savior!

Change of Address:                                                                                   
Steve and Melanie Stokes
PO Box 24062
Waco, TX 76702

Email addresses and cell phone numbers will stay the same.

Summer Art Camps

Summer Art Camps?  I’m glad you asked… This summer I’m focusing on

 9 to 12 year olds ONLY!  

Two choices for ONE week camps to serve more children with a lower student/teacher ratio.

Sign up now to reserve your space – May 20 – early registration deadline

Share with those who need to know!

On a Journey to Bethlehem – Nativity Paintings for Christmas

        After struggling with how to come up with a nativity-themed painting this Christmas and “make it my own style,” I went through several sketchbook pages until this idea evolved.     

 While many nativities emphasize the faces of the Holy Family, the beautiful colors of their clothes, and the cute barn animals surrounding them, I wondered, “What would Mary’s perspective be?”  
       So I imagined them from the backside of a donkey…  And I thought about how very uncomfortable the mother of Jesus had to have been… how rough the trip would have been for a pregnant woman…how long the road seemed for both of them…  

 Imagine Joseph comes in one day and says, “Mary, you won’t believe what the government has come up with now!  We have to travel to my hometown this week to be registered and taxed!”  And the trip he referenced was going to be about 90 miles.  They couldn’t even make the journey in one day!  There is no mention of a donkey in the Bible, but we can only HOPE that Mary had one in her advanced stage of pregnancy.  

      As I painted on multiple canvases,  I realized that once again I had ROADS in my compositions.  Back roads, curving roads, leading roads, roads that aren’t always comfortable, roads that take one on new adventures…The theme of Roads seems to show up without me planning it.

I can only imagine the fear, anxiety, hopeful trust, boiling in Mary’s heart.  It was a rough road she was on.  It was going to get even rougher as she watched her son live and die.  But with God’s help, she is a model for humble servitude, and such an important piece in the bigger picture for us all.  She followed the road to Bethlehem that night in obedience, in trust, in anticipation.

May the roads ahead lead us on our journey in the bigger picture!  May we take the time to feel the bumps, smell the scents, look beyond, and listen to the quietness of our souls.

These 6×6 and 12×12 original paintings will be available during the 2017 Christmas season.  You may order them from me and find them at Sacred Heart Cultural Center Gift Shop in Augusta, GA or MAC on Main Art Gallery in Thomson.

Elementary Art for GrownUps


I know February seems like a long way away.  But, tuck this away in your mind for “after Christmas.”  This will be something to look forward to in the winter.  AND, it is a great idea for a Christmas gift for Mom, Grandma, Granddad, …or Self!

The $140 tuition fee covers all four classes and supplies.

Signup Deadline – January 15