This post is for me, but you may read over my shoulder if you want to…
The day began with a flurry and a storm of activity! I was vacuuming my floor at 7:30 a.m., anticipating prospective buyers to come through the house in the afternoon. (Getting a house ready for realtors and sellers is not on my top favorites list. But now the house was clean and orderly, to the point of me becoming obsessive about it. ) My husband was checking off items on the Honey-Do list I had given him. The Weather Channel was stirring up panic in the minds of America about a hurricane that was predicted to run in forty directions and cause evacuations in three or four states. I received a text inquiring if our house could be used for evacuation while we were gone, if needed. And we were discussing our 1000 mile road trip with a UHaul, coming up in two days.
I could feel the tension in my neck. (Or maybe it was the barometric pressure from the storms brewing.) But I knew for my sanity, and my husband’s sanity, that I needed to keep my Wednesday appointment to paint!
When I arrived at Sacred Heart Cultural Center in Augusta, the “Women on Paper” group I paint with, was already scattered around in places. And they were all looking up!? So I did, too.
As I watched the billowy September clouds circling around the spires of the building, I relaxed. I painted. I pondered. “Keep looking up.” The words seemed to form in my head. “Keep looking up, even when your world is unsettled with all the factors spinning this way and that.” “Keep looking up, even in a storm. God is so much bigger than you, your house, your life. He is your Peace.”
I found my mind moving from myself to all the friends who are in the predicted path of this Hurricane. I wondered who might need to evacuate to our house that would be empty while we were away. I listened to the angry sounds of busy traffic just on the outside of the hedge behind me. I noticed the individuals who walked past on the sidewalks, with backpacks, a cup of coffee, and hungry eyes. And I prayed. I prayed, not that my house would sell, but that people would be safe, be fed, know Christ’s Peace.
I finished painting and left the group of women. They had listened and responded with encouragement when I whisked into place with all my morning drama. Friendships are gifts. And now, with a renewed peace and attitude adjustment, I went about the rest of the day.
May I keep looking up, fixing my eyes on Him, who is steadfast and stable, my Strength in all storms.

8×8 Oil
As a musician I have always been fascinated by stories whereby songs were written. I never thought about the same happening with artist until you came along. Thank you for sharing your beautiful paintings and their accompanying stories.
Melanie, this is beautiful! Thank you for the inspiration and HAPPY TRAILS!
I love the way you use your painting and writing talents to remind us of important truths!
Your words are so profound. They were just what I needed today….. and every day!! Thank you for sharing!! Thank you for being you!!!! ❤️