24×12 oil
The Coronavirus of 2020 – Time stood still while we all hunkered down in our homes until further notice was given.
This painting is of our home. It is a solid, roomy structure for both my husband and me, with more than necessities inside. It sits on flat land, surrounded by pastures and the movement of cattle and birds. The sky is ever-changing! The wind blows at varied speeds. Even the ground changes when it rains! But the home is solid, stable, and constant in the midst of motion. For that, I am grateful.
As I paint and think about Sheltering in Place, I wonder about those who have no home, those who have a transient lifestyle, and those whose homes were recently destroyed by storms. I wonder about those who are packed into crowded quarters, and those who are used to different schedules in different places, and now, all together in one place. I wonder about those who live with abusers, addicts, alcoholics with raging tempers, and hate. I wonder about those who are bored with each other, finding new ways of ignoring each other. I wonder about the dynamics of strained relationships and quirky personalities. I wonder about the children. I wonder…and pray.