Take a minute to listen to this song. Our FBC Waco Choir has been practicing this one for a few weeks. The song continues to play in my head. And it showed up there today as the soundtrack for my morning plein air session.

9×12 Oil
What a beautiful morning it was! Full of light, and shadows, and gorgeous colors. I painted TWO 9 x 12 scenes and only came inside because the mid day light began washing out values to faded tones.
“O Love that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee. I give Thee back the life I owe, that in Thine ocean depths its flow, may richer, fuller be… ”
—O Love, Music by Elaine Hagenberg Text by George Matheson
Her tune and arrangement of music soothes my heart and moves me to tears! Click on the video and listen,… really!

9×12 Oil
After I painted the first panel, I turned and this shade caught my eye. The strong, full tree was providing shade, and sheltering the beebalm and firewheels that are left in bloom. I continued to feel the protection of God’s spirit, as I painted and worshipped with gratitude.
The words by George Matheson continue:
“O Joy, that seeks me through the pain. I cannot close my heart to Thee; I trace the rainbow through the rain, and feel the promise is not vain that morn shall tearless be…”
This may be one of those times “you just had to be there.” And I was. And God was. And also, the random deer was! The one that pranced by in the midst of it all! I love mornings like this!