One of my favorite moments of the day is when I first look out of the windows to see what animals or birds might be strolling through the property as I drink my morning coffee. The sun rises over the pond and water fowl glide around. Ocasionally, deer may be grazing in the distance. And, more times than any, the black angus are already moving about.
This particular morning, the new calf was moving slower than the rest of the herd. So the mama was staying back to encourage it to get moving! As they walked past the clear point of the pond, the mama stepped into the water and drank — a long time. She lifted her head and looked refreshed, renewed, ready to walk further, and to try to be patient with this child as she prodded him along!
You know, things always look brighter in the morning. A good night’s sleep can help any burden. A night of rest can bring clarity to a plan of action. A glass of orange juice or a cup of coffee can wake your brain from sleep. A new day, a new light, a new outlook — “His mercies are new every morning!”