I showed this to my husband and asked, “Who does this look like?”
He answered with a question, “Us?”
(Good answer, but not who I thought he would recognize.) The models are his brother and sister-in-law. But it could well be “us” with the sentiment behind it. We are strong together, even in dark times.
As I painted, I was impacted by the play of light against dark, the blinding strength of the sun, and the deepest cold darkness of the side away from the light. I could feel the wind of that fall morning on the beach and the warm comfort of an arm around my shoulders.
My Protector, My Strength, My Constant… all words that I use when I think about God and his relationship with his people. But these words also come to mind when I describe my husband! (yes, really)
It does not offend my worth as a woman for him to be the strongest, for him to be the bravest, for him to even be the tallest. I know he loves me and is my best friend. Almost forty years of marriage hold many stories of facing darkness and many blessings in the light. The faith and principles we base our marriage on have held us together. And in times of darkness the light always seems the brightest! (ok, not immediately, but in hindsight…)
This brother and sister-in-law have seen some recent dark times with health. They have come through on the other side, ready for the morning walk, ready to soak up the warmth of the sun, ready to see light and all that it will illuminate day by day.
Celebrating love, life and light!
Thanks Melanie! So much truth in your thoughts. Thankful for the cherished memories from over 45 years of marriage. Looking for 2018 to bring days filled with light and hope! The pic says it all!❤️
Beautiful Melanie. I love your commentary- made the painting come alive even more. I had already felt the cold on this side with the warmth against the faces on the other side. Thank you for enriching my thoughts!
Thank you for the feedback, Sue!