Have I mentioned that I’m a grandmother? I have four grandchildren – two in my home state of Georgia, and two in Texas. Recently, my Texan son and his family visited for a week. What a joy to be able to spend time with them! And part of that time was spent at the beach!
As I looked back through photos of the days, this one seemed like a good one to paint – father, mother, and both brothers, making memories as they built a MEGA sand castle. No doubt, Luke was remembering the many sand castles his father and brother helped him build. (I could identify with my daughter-in-law’s stance as the one who was content to observe.)
As I painted, I thought about how they are not only building a castle, but building a family, building a home, building men, building memories, building life. They are building a castle that lasts longer and is worth so much more than any castle they could ever build with sand — or bricks and mortar for that matter. Parents are builders – it takes hard work and lots of time, but so worth it!