The new calf walks awkwardly, trying to get used to the way her legs work. And the mama cow, (we call her Red), walks along beside Little Red Pepper, casting a shadow of protection over her, as she experiences her first spring.
I enjoy watching cow behaviors! Sometimes Red walks beside, sometimes leading in front, and sometimes nudging her calf along from the back. But I can see patterns of protectiveness and guidance from the mother figure. And when she needs to graze further away, she leaves the little one in the care of the black angus that we call “Karen” (because Karen seems to be in everyone’s business).
Painted from my photo reference and experience, I enjoyed depicting this promise of spring. Red Pepper has been peppy from those first days. She is old enough now to run around the pasture, venture further from Mom, and is looking very healthy.
The warmth of spring light, the excitement of blossoms and flowers budding and blooming, and new life on the prairie always bring hope for days ahead. Walk forward in the light, little one, but come back near the herd when you need them.