16×20 oil
Usually, when I walk along the fence line of our property, the neighbor’s cows will turn their backs and move away from me. At first, one or two will leave, and then, the others will notice and begin a trot to move the entire group to safety in herd fashion.
On this day, they stayed, crowded together, and stared at the lady with the phone camera pointed toward them.
I liked the composition of their heads bunched together, the large interesting shape that they created standing in one dark mass, the “expressions” on their faces as they peered across the fence.
I imagined they were thinking (if cows think), “Is the grass really greener on the other side of the fence?” Is it?
Is that what we look like as we peer into the lives of others on social media? As we turn our backs to reality on our side of the fence? As we imagine “what ifs” and “wish I hads” until it becomes discontentment? Maybe so.
I snapped a few photos from which to paint, but it wasn’t long until the cows scattered and moved away. They bowed their heads toward the grass they already had and munched contently on the plenty.