Just Over the Fence

Just Over the Fence 12×12 oil

This is the view I see from my porch. I often sit out there, drinking coffee in the mornings when the weather cooperates. For several days I have been noticing the morning sun glinting off of the red horse trailer, surrounded by wild sunflowers against the overgrown summer greens. And even if it is the first day of summer and we are already hitting temps of close to 100, I sat under the porch shade and painted from 9 to 10 a.m.

Yes, I have things I need to get painted in the studio. But, this morning, painting en plein air became the priority. While I painted, I listened to the birds sing, felt the warmth of sunshine, and even detected a coyote pup barking somewhere in the brush. All of this was necessary to remind me of why I paint what I paint. A snippet of time, an hour actually, was recorded with colors of paint and a variety of textures to proclaim beauty, and wonder, and miracles that grow from seeds. And I never tire of examining and marveling at it – this natural world in which we live.

Just Over the Fence – 12×12 en plein air

Remember to Look Up

Building A Home
9×12 oil

My morning meditation thought — As you build homes, doing all the tasks of daily life, remember to take time to look up.

While looking at my “to do” list of tasks that needed to be taken care of, the sounds of birds and beautiful light beckoned me outside to paint!  Grabbing my gear, I walked around to find something to paint. I decided to focus on the bluebird house that my husband built. The warm light hit across the tree where it was hanging.  I thought of the bluebirds that would soon begin building nests inside as spring approaches.

Some artists wear earbuds while they paint outside.  They are missing the point!  The sounds of birds and other creatures of nature is one of the senses that draws me outside to plein air painting.  

As I painted the box, a repetitive bird sound caused me to look above me.  It was a bright red cardinal!  The rhythm of his call could have been, “Hey, why don’t you look up?”  As I lifted my eyes to the sky, spotted him among the beauty of branches, and inhaled fresh air, my spirit soared.  I was refreshed as I remembered that it is easy to be absorbed in the shadows of life around us.  But, when we lift our eyes and spirit toward The Creator God, we are refreshed.  Once again, I’m in awe of the beauty of the earth and comforted by the spirit of the Lord, and ready to move ahead to the tasks of the day. 

(I videoed the cardinal singing in the treetops. You can find it on my Instagram account @melaniestokesart.)

It’s Not A BlueBonnet!

Graced by Wild Petunias
9×12 Oil

Though it’s getting too hot on August 1 to paint outside in Central Texas, I was out early today to catch the soft lavender hues being awakened by the morning sun. It was good to be painting in this place once more, after being away a few weeks. The wind was gentle, the colors were softened and beginning to fade from the summer heat. And yet, another wildflower was making its debut on the hillside, sprinkling a bluish lavender that reminded me of bluebonnet season. I’m calling it a “wild petunia” until someone corrects me.

What kind of flower is this?

So, I observed and painted, enjoyed the gentle breeze, and listened to birds and cows, until about 9:00 a.m. when the sun began burning the back of my legs and arms. It was a signal even stronger than the chime of my cell phone, telling me it was time to move indoors. But for the moment, I had been “Graced by Wild Petunias” and the beauty of another day.

Love that Will Not Let Me Go

O Love

Take a minute to listen to this song. Our FBC Waco Choir has been practicing this one for a few weeks. The song continues to play in my head. And it showed up there today as the soundtrack for my morning plein air session.

Surrounded by God’s Love
9×12 Oil

What a beautiful morning it was! Full of light, and shadows, and gorgeous colors. I painted TWO 9 x 12 scenes and only came inside because the mid day light began washing out values to faded tones.

“O Love that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee. I give Thee back the life I owe, that in Thine ocean depths its flow, may richer, fuller be… ”

O Love, Music by Elaine Hagenberg Text by George Matheson

Her tune and arrangement of music soothes my heart and moves me to tears! Click on the video and listen,… really!

Sheltered Underneath
9×12 Oil

After I painted the first panel, I turned and this shade caught my eye. The strong, full tree was providing shade, and sheltering the beebalm and firewheels that are left in bloom. I continued to feel the protection of God’s spirit, as I painted and worshipped with gratitude.

The words by George Matheson continue:

“O Joy, that seeks me through the pain. I cannot close my heart to Thee; I trace the rainbow through the rain, and feel the promise is not vain that morn shall tearless be…”

This may be one of those times “you just had to be there.” And I was. And God was. And also, the random deer was! The one that pranced by in the midst of it all! I love mornings like this!

Touches of Beauty

“God who touchest earth with beauty, make my heart anew;

With thy Spirit recreate me. Pure and strong and true. “

( words from a hymn)
Bluebonnets on a Hill
9×12 oil

This song came to mind as I stood among bluebonnets and other pops of color . . . looking at the streaks of sunlight coming through clouds, and applying paint to canvas to capture just a teeny bit of the beauty of this place.

Our transitional stay on the 85 acre ranch has become an Artist’s Retreat for me. Days are filled with the opportunity to paint outside as the weather allows and to use the breakfast nook for larger pieces in a makeshift studio. Walks with my camera mornings and evenings have given profound assurance of the presence of God and more reference photos than I will ever have time to paint! “With thy Spirit recreate me” has been a prayer, as I search for how my art fits into God’s plan in Waco, TX.

Lately, I’ve been making a list of “re” words: recreate, renew, restore, revive, retreat, reinvent, revitalize…do you see a theme, here? RE-tired works too! This place of retreat is bringing rest and renewal to this tired soul – a restoration of who I am, a reevaluation of how I paint, and a reliance on God’s guidance.

Retreating involves a “be still and know that I am God” stance. I am content to retreat for now. Remind me of this place of solitude when life speeds up. Remind me to refocus and rest.

Several Studies en Plein Air

Welcome Spring! 11×14 oil

As this earth is restored to life with Springtime, may you (and I) be refreshed, revitalized, and resurrected to a purposeful life!

I’ll leave you with a few glimpses of this place through my camera.

It Stopped Raining and WOW!

I’m in Port St. Joe, Florida this week for Plein Air South:  a gathering of artists who paint outside and a faculty of ten or twelve of the best contemporary plein air artists I know of, from which to learn!  It has been raining all day and many of the outside activities had to move inside.  But this afternoon, the rain stopped.  The sky cleared and the clouds and colors were amazing!


After observing all morning, I was ready to paint.  I went out by myself to find a pavilion (just in case another shower passed over) and painted until sundown.  What a great time to be a plein air painter!

Catching Anything? 9×12 oil $125

Study of Water and Sky 9×12 oil

The smaller pictures are photos.   A highlight of the afternoon was seeing both ends of the rainbow that appeared.  The three fishermen, the couple on the pier, and myself, were brought together to share the moment of adoration and wonder.

The atmosphere was crystal clear as the setting sun illumined the earth and sky.


As I drove back toward Mexico Beach and the rental house, I pondered why I love painting outside.  It’s not just the finished painting, it’s definitely the process.  Painting from life causes me to be acutely aware of all my senses.  Not just seeing and touching, but feeling the breezes, hearing the birds, smelling the fish.  And yet, feeling so small against a huge backdrop of life.  It is a time of worship of the almighty Creator God and admiration of His art.  Amen.