I’m in Port St. Joe, Florida this week for Plein Air South: a gathering of artists who paint outside and a faculty of ten or twelve of the best contemporary plein air artists I know of, from which to learn! It has been raining all day and many of the outside activities had to move inside. But this afternoon, the rain stopped. The sky cleared and the clouds and colors were amazing!
After observing all morning, I was ready to paint. I went out by myself to find a pavilion (just in case another shower passed over) and painted until sundown. What a great time to be a plein air painter!

The smaller pictures are photos. A highlight of the afternoon was seeing both ends of the rainbow that appeared. The three fishermen, the couple on the pier, and myself, were brought together to share the moment of adoration and wonder.
The atmosphere was crystal clear as the setting sun illumined the earth and sky.
As I drove back toward Mexico Beach and the rental house, I pondered why I love painting outside. It’s not just the finished painting, it’s definitely the process. Painting from life causes me to be acutely aware of all my senses. Not just seeing and touching, but feeling the breezes, hearing the birds, smelling the fish. And yet, feeling so small against a huge backdrop of life. It is a time of worship of the almighty Creator God and admiration of His art. Amen.