Some days you just need to “stop and smell” the gardenias!!

10×20 oil
I know, I know, I’m supposed to be focused on readying for ten kids in Art Camp on Monday. My studio shows evidence of that. I know, this painting hasn’t been commissioned and maybe no one will want to buy it. So, what?
Some days you just need to “stop and smell”… “be quiet and listen”…”be still and know.”
Every time I walk past the gardenia bush, I find myself slowing down, inhaling deep, and studying the soft petals. I ponder what color is really in that white…how dark are the shadows?…are they tinted warm or cool? And I thank the Creator God for his marvelous creation of gardenias. And I feel happy and loved. So today, I needed to paint that, as I spent a few hours in the quietness of worship in my studio.
Perhaps your avenue of “stopping and smelling” is not with paint. It might be in playing with a child, reading a book, writing your thoughts, petting a cat, watching birds, going for a walk, sewing or baking, maybe even taking a nap… As it says in Ephesians, “in all things, give thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus to God.” We do.