Today was one of those days… you know, when you have a “to do” list that needs doing, you are supposed to be somewhere to meet someone, the weather is finally looking springy and you want to be outside, and then you realize you can’t decide where to begin. SO you just go in the studio and get lost in paint.
As I was sorting through projects, I came upon a canvas I had painted over already. There were hydrangeas on the first layer, an abstract I had started on top of that, and today I just picked a few colors and pulled paint over the already bumpy texture. As I was doing this, mindlessly, and waiting for inspiration to hit, I noticed a landscape hanging in my line of vision that had the same dimensions as this canvas. What if I followed the lines of the landscape, but made this one more abstract and used these cool blues and greens instead of the yellows and oranges in the first one?

Hours later, a painting emerged that I like. And my mind began to draw conclusions. There are days when it feels like things don’t fall into place. There are days when life overwhelms us. There are days when we just have to give God the tired self that we are and see what He can do with it. We might just come out “repurposed,” “recycled,” and “renewed!” And ready to tackle more of the “to do” list tomorrow. I’m hoping so.