Walking Through Wildflowers

Are you old enough to remember the opening scene of the Little House on the Prairie television series?  You know, the one where Laura and her sisters are running happily through the waving prairie grass and swaying wildflowers?

Walking Through Wildflowers
10×20 Oil

Well, that’s the flashback I had when I was recently walking through wildflowers on a prairie near Waco, Texas.  Two grandsons ran ahead, following the curving path their father had mowed. (I know Laura had to blaze the trail herself.  It looks real picturesque on tv, but those grasses can cut and who knows what danger lies deep beneath them?)  With the help of the pathway, we could enjoy the aesthetic, sensory experience in safety!

White flowers bloom for acres in August on the prairie.  “Snow on the Prairie” is a fitting name.  This day the storm clouds were beginning to bank themselves in the distance, providing a violet colored backdrop for the greens and white.  The rain would be welcomed to give enough moisture for the next variety of flowers, waiting to spring forth from the cracked earth.

As we walked through the wildflowers, the boys ran ahead, delighting in finding trails that forked in two directions.  The dog zig-zagged around in the tall grass, looking for whatever dogs look for.   Our son and daughter-in-law  walked and talked with us, as we explored and dreamed about the future.  Eventually the boys came back around, the dog was called from his wanderings off the path, and all of us went back to the house to rest.

Walking through Wildflowers … if you lose your way, you simply follow the path toward home.


Daily Provision

Give Us This Day…
11×14 Oil

I know hummingbirds don’t eat bread!  But, when I see them each morning outside the window, fluttering around as if they are afraid there will not be enough to eat, this phrase of a prayer pops in my head: “Give Us This Day…”

My husband feeds these hummingbirds every day.  They have been showing up every summer for about ten years.  And each year they bring their friends to the buffet!  This year the count is up to about forty at a time! (give or take a few blurs as you count)  They found the provision in these feeders yesterday, and they expect to find it again.

“Give us this day, our daily bread…”   This is the prayer Jesus taught his followers.   Day by day, God provides what we need. (Note to self – I said, what we need, as opposed to what we can store up in our homes and then have to clean out when it is time to move!)  God sent daily “manna” from heaven to His People in the wilderness.  Remember how it rotted when they tried to store it and save it?  God promised to send just enough for each day.   Day after day, we go back to the One whom we know will provide… and we bring our friends!

From the Heart

Painting from the Heart
24×30 Oil

Most days I paint from life, 

Many days I paint from photos, 

Some days I paint from memory,

But, today, I painted from the heart!

Recently, I was in a discussion about “skill vs. talent.”  As an art educator, I’m all for training and acquiring skill!  We need to work at our skills to make them better.  Even talented people need to understand why they innately make art a certain way and how they can use that knowledge.  But talent is more about the way you are bent, the amazing things you do just because you are you.   While developing skill to make art is important, if there is no passion or emotion involved, skill doesn’t always speak.  And Art needs to speak!

You have heard musicians who are highly skilled.  They never miss a note, but their rhythm is so steady and notes so exact that it sounds like a robot is playing the piano!  But when you listen to a musician who slows down, or speeds up, or gets louder, or gets so quiet that you can hardly breathe… you could be moved to tears and whisper, “Now, that is talent!”

Maybe “talent” and “skill” are not the words you use to describe this phenomena.  Maybe it is the “art evokes emotion” theory.  However you describe it, I agree that if art does not elicit a response from others, it is in need of improvement.  (Notice I didn’t say to throw it away.  You can always learn how to improve!)

Painting from the heart happens best when there is no pressure to perform.  This “Painting from the Heart” began on a landscape that had been sitting in the corner of my studio.  It had made the gallery rounds and was a peaceful landscape, but did not really say anything.  No one was moved to tears.   So, to keep from wasting a perfectly good 24×30 canvas, I turned it vertical and spread Gesso over the middle.  Suddenly a vase of hydrangeas began forming in my head.  I got excited.  This was a day, after several days,  when I needed to paint something to process my emotions.

And as I painted, these words formed:

Most days I paint from life, 

Many days I paint from photos, 

Some days I paint from memory,

But, today, I painted from the heart!

This painting has served its expressive purpose for me as I painted.  Now, I would love to hear the reactions it may bring from you!


Stop and Smell the Gardenias!

Some days you just need to “stop and smell” the gardenias!!

Stop and Smell
10×20 oil

I know, I know,  I’m supposed to be focused on readying for ten kids in Art Camp on Monday.  My studio shows evidence of that.  I know, this painting hasn’t been commissioned and maybe no one will want to buy it.  So, what?

Some days you just need to  “stop and smell”… “be quiet and listen”…”be still and know.”

Every time I walk past the gardenia bush, I find myself slowing down, inhaling deep, and studying the soft petals.  I ponder what color is really in that white…how dark are the shadows?…are they tinted warm or cool?  And I thank the Creator God for his marvelous creation of gardenias.  And I feel happy and loved.  So today, I needed to paint that, as I spent a few hours in the quietness of worship in my studio.

Perhaps your avenue of “stopping and smelling” is not with paint.  It might be in playing with a child,  reading a book, writing your thoughts, petting a cat, watching birds, going for a walk, sewing or baking, maybe even taking a nap… As it says in Ephesians, “in all things, give thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus to God.”  We do.


Strength in Times of Darkness

Strength in Darkness 11×14 Oil

I showed this to my husband and asked,  “Who does this look like?”

He answered with a question, “Us?”

(Good answer, but not who I thought he would recognize.)  The models are his brother and sister-in-law.  But it could well be “us” with the sentiment behind it.   We are strong together, even in dark times.

As I painted, I was impacted by the play of light against dark, the blinding strength of the sun, and the deepest cold darkness of the side away from the light.  I could feel the wind of that fall morning on the beach and the warm comfort of an arm around my shoulders.

My Protector, My Strength, My Constant… all words that I use when I think about God and his relationship with his people.  But these words also come to mind when I describe my husband! (yes, really)

It does not offend my worth as a woman for him to be the strongest, for him to be the bravest, for him to even be the tallest.  I know he loves me and is my best friend.  Almost forty years of marriage hold many stories of facing darkness and many blessings in the light.  The faith and principles we base our marriage on have held us together.   And in times of darkness the light always seems the brightest!  (ok, not immediately, but in hindsight…)

This brother and sister-in-law have seen some recent dark times with health.  They have come through on the other side, ready for the morning walk, ready to soak up the warmth of the sun, ready to see light and all that it will illuminate day by day.

Celebrating love, life and light!


Pure Joy!

11×14 Oil

When a customer first sent me photos of her grandson on a horse and asked if I could paint it for Christmas,  I whined.  I really did.  I stressed over it and wondered if I could make it happen.  Horse legs seem very complicated!   I learned that these two are involved in a horse therapy program.   The more I worked with the subject, the more I became drawn to this determined rider and this kind horse and how I could best express the emotion of their relationship.

I painted it this way.  I love the results.  But the best part of this painting experience was the message I received from the grandmother:

“He keeps coming back and picking up the painting and says ‘Mimi, it is beautiful.’ Thank you again for bringing love through your paintings.”  

This is pure joy to an artist when someone as special as he sees beauty in the artwork and feels love from it.  This affirms why I paint.  This challenges me to do more to express love and peace through my art.  This reminds me that it is a gift from God.  May I always glorify Him.   May I always be grateful for every opportunity.

Day 13 of 30 paintings: Once Upon A Time…

Once Upon A Time…
24×30 Oil

Once Upon A Time… (you complete the rest.)  Don’t you just love a Once Upon A Time story?  I used a photo from a trip in Mississippi to paint this.  There is just something surreal-looking about the landscape.  As I painted, I remembered being there on that summer day, breathing fresh air and feeling the warmth of the sun.  But now that it is finished, I can imagine the rest of the story… Once Upon A Time…

Labor Day!

Melanie Stokes Art
“Labor Day”
11×14 Oil

Day Four of 30 paintings in 30 days –

“Labor Day”
11×14 Oil

I painted this one from a photo over several days.  (photo credit: Luke Stokes Photography)  During my 30 day challenge, my goal is to paint en plein air as much as possible.  But today, I’m taking a Labor Day Holiday!   I love the work ethic of these two munchkins.  Fall is in the air!



Around the Curve

Around the Curve
18×24 Oil

My husband loves to walk in unknown territory.  Take a walk in a park with him and he is sure to leave the path.  Land uncharted, thick woods without paths, hills to climb and overlooks to view… now, that is his type of hiking!  Even when we have a path, he is the one to say, “let’s see just around that curve!” and the hike continues a little longer.  Are you getting the picture?

There is something about the possibility of seeing just around a curve that brings hope.  You don’t know what is ahead, but you can always hope.  Maybe the view will be better.  Maybe there is light around the corner. Maybe there is a clean restroom!

In this life, we are reminded to hold on to hope.  “I hope you get well.”   “I hope things work out for you.”  ” I hope the world doesn’t fall apart.”   Hopes and dreams can be shallow.  Yet, hope is what causes us to push ahead,  to get out of bed and see the sun rise, to keep living on this earth, until we have our hope of heaven with God.

Just Around the Curve — keep hoping!  and praying, and serving, and loving.