“Open to Light” “Aged Beauty”
16×20 oil
This old barn is deserted, but still standing, beside County Line Road #939, near Mart, Texas. It grabs my attention each time I travel by. With the goal of painting its stately beauty, I stopped recently for a few photos in good light.
The gambrel style shape of the rusted tin roof may be the first thing that caught my attention. It’s red patina is smooth and beautiful, against a blue sky. But, the unique advantage of being able to see light coming through a window on the back side of the barn captured my emotion. The left side of the barn is whole, complete with a closed door. When one walks to the other side, the open wall reveals the darkness of the hollowed out void inside the deserted barn. Weathered wood and weeds winding inward guard the edges. Yet, there is that small window of hope where the light of the sky enters and shines through to the front.
And somehow, I identify. We have sides of us that are protected, closed up to risks and leery of dangers. But, every now and then, someone walks around to the other side and sees our soul; bare, raw, and open, allowing light to enter and come through the hollow spaces. There is beauty in aging gracefully against the wind. And strength in allowing light to shine through.