It Was Somebody’s Home

Somebody’s Home
24×30 Oil

How many times have you seen an old home and wondered about the people who lived there? Honestly, that is one of the recurring conversations I have with myself. And for some reason, it’s not just the big, beautiful houses that get my attention. Visually, I am drawn to small cabins, old shacks, log homes…and imagining the impoverished lifestyles of my ancestors.

No, I didn’t grow up on a farm. But my parents did, so I’ve heard the stories. My mother, the youngest of thirteen children, told me that she didn’t realize how poor she was as a child until much later, because everyone was poor during the Great Depression. My father grew up in the hills of North Georgia in a home that looked similar to this one, not uncommon for the time and location. He stated that he went to college to get out from behind a mule and plow.

I took a photo of this cabin at George Ranch, near Rosenberg, Texas. No one was living there. It is well maintained as a historical site. Back in my studio, I imagined the people who could have lived in this shotgun house. I knew there had to be a woman shelling butter beans on the front porch. There must have been some chickens running around, providing eggs and meat in the pot for a special meal. I imagined the man in the back, hammering or fixing something on a worktable. And there probably were children running around barefoot. (But they were moving too fast in my imagination to capture them here!)

It was Somebody’s Home! And I hope it was filled with love. For, whether one is living in poverty or riches, if a home has love, it can withstand the storms, sure to come! This one did.

It’s Bluebonnet Season!
Got the Blues?
20×20 oil

It’s Bluebonnet Season in Texas! And that means plein air painters are traveling the back roads, looking for the perfect scene to paint their annual bluebonnet painting! I haven’t found a field of bluebonnets in a good location yet. But the close up studies have been really fun. And from that, painting the larger 20×20 reminded me of painting hydrangeas in Georgia! (Some of my GA friends may recognize the same style.)

Those of us in Central Texas are glad to see the bluebonnets blooming! It’s another sign that spring is here – new life, longer days, sunshine and brighter colors!

If you’ve got the winter blues, maybe a bluebonnet painting would take care of that:

…or a walk through the bluebonnets…that’s a sure cure for the blues, too! Happy Spring!

Gentle Nudges
Gentle Nudges
30×24 Oil,

Gentle nudges, whispers of wind, light plays with shadow, fresh air inflates the lungs, sounds of birds are singing for miles, smells of spring grasses rise from the earth…breathe again.

It’s been a winter. A time of illness, sadness, cold. But with this painting, I feel the gentle nudges of a vast God, who reminds me that He is always there.

With A Swish…

Caught By Surprise
16×20 oil on gallery wrapped canvas

We hunt with cameras – my husband and I. (Not that we are against guns, or have not had venison in the freezer many times.) But, when we walk together, we hunt with cameras. One such adventure is the Story Behind the Painting, Caught By Surprise!

For several days we had spotted ducks in our pond, only to see them fly away before we got very close. Steve devised a plan to sneak up on them. The next morning, we left the path and swung wide to walk through high grass to the back side of the dam. Quietly making our way up the grassy hill to come out behind mesquite for camouflage, we peeked out to see, not 10 or 20, but 75 to 100 assorted types of ducks enjoying our pond! As the clicks of our cameras alerted them, they began leaving in groups, rising up over us in a swish of wind, wings and whistling sounds. It was a magical moment!

I watched them take flight. It seemed like chaos with their first lift-off, but they quickly retreated into line formations and soared in sync to the next body of water. Some small groups lingered a little longer in our waterhole, but then left together, following the path of the others. And then the pond was empty. The water stilled. The sky was open. And the moment was gone.

Photographs and Paintings — our way to hold on to the magical moment, just a little while longer!

11×14 Study from my photos

On This Road Together
On This Road Together
24×36 oil

The huge bare tree in the stark winter landscape filled the sky in larger than life proportions. When I took the photo in a Texas State Park, I noticed how small my grandsons looked in comparison. Although these brothers argue and fight like any siblings do, they are walking in the same direction on most days, looking out for each other. It only emphasized the message that jumped out at me. This road we travel in life can be spooky at times. There are huge obstacles growing before you that seem unsurmountable. The shadows seem to come out of nowhere and cast gloom on some days. We can’t always see where the journey is leading and it takes courage to keep going around that corner to the unknown.

May there be someone to walk with and talk with on the journey, someone to keep you company, and someone to love and love you. We are on this road together!

Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falls; for he has not another to help him up. Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10

Touches of Beauty

“God who touchest earth with beauty, make my heart anew;

With thy Spirit recreate me. Pure and strong and true. “

( words from a hymn)
Bluebonnets on a Hill
9×12 oil

This song came to mind as I stood among bluebonnets and other pops of color . . . looking at the streaks of sunlight coming through clouds, and applying paint to canvas to capture just a teeny bit of the beauty of this place.

Our transitional stay on the 85 acre ranch has become an Artist’s Retreat for me. Days are filled with the opportunity to paint outside as the weather allows and to use the breakfast nook for larger pieces in a makeshift studio. Walks with my camera mornings and evenings have given profound assurance of the presence of God and more reference photos than I will ever have time to paint! “With thy Spirit recreate me” has been a prayer, as I search for how my art fits into God’s plan in Waco, TX.

Lately, I’ve been making a list of “re” words: recreate, renew, restore, revive, retreat, reinvent, revitalize…do you see a theme, here? RE-tired works too! This place of retreat is bringing rest and renewal to this tired soul – a restoration of who I am, a reevaluation of how I paint, and a reliance on God’s guidance.

Retreating involves a “be still and know that I am God” stance. I am content to retreat for now. Remind me of this place of solitude when life speeds up. Remind me to refocus and rest.

Several Studies en Plein Air
Welcome Spring! 11×14 oil

As this earth is restored to life with Springtime, may you (and I) be refreshed, revitalized, and resurrected to a purposeful life!

I’ll leave you with a few glimpses of this place through my camera.