9×12 Oil
Though it’s getting too hot on August 1 to paint outside in Central Texas, I was out early today to catch the soft lavender hues being awakened by the morning sun. It was good to be painting in this place once more, after being away a few weeks. The wind was gentle, the colors were softened and beginning to fade from the summer heat. And yet, another wildflower was making its debut on the hillside, sprinkling a bluish lavender that reminded me of bluebonnet season. I’m calling it a “wild petunia” until someone corrects me.

So, I observed and painted, enjoyed the gentle breeze, and listened to birds and cows, until about 9:00 a.m. when the sun began burning the back of my legs and arms. It was a signal even stronger than the chime of my cell phone, telling me it was time to move indoors. But for the moment, I had been “Graced by Wild Petunias” and the beauty of another day.