…is not as scary as it appears to be.

18×24 Oil
When I paint, I often have realizations which I feel come from God, as He uses visual imagery to clarify direction for me. And sometimes, those images are solidified by phrases popping into my head that I may, or may not, have heard before.
As I painted this scene, I thought of my Mama saying, “It looks like you are going to the jumping off place!” Now, where in the world was the Jumping Off Place? When I was a little girl, she would use this comment if we were on a treacherous road, unable to see beyond the horizon line, or moving into unknown territory. As a child, I pictured the Jumping Off Place as the very depths of hell!
This composition caught my attention because I like the way the yellow grass of a road is highlighted, yet appears to be leading, who knows where, against the vast Texas sky…perhaps, leading to the Jumping Off Place! The clouds are a bit ominous in the foreground but there is light ahead, even though one can’t see where it leads!
We have recently moved four states over from Georgia to Texas. My husband and I packed and pulled our remaining possessions over the highways to land here in the Waco area. Some thought we were going to the Jumping Off Place! We are excited about a new chapter in life. We are pleased as punch to live in the same area as our oldest son and his family! We are tickled to death to get to sit by our two grandsons in “big church”! I am giddy with joy to have a daughter-in-law nearby who enjoys art shows!
But, when I look out the window at the yellow path, I can hear Mama say, “Looks like you are going to the Jumping Off Place!” And I smile. Because, though it is has had some scary moments, there is something a bit exciting about the unknown of the Jumping Off Place.
After painting this, I found out that this old road leads to a gate, which opens to a state highway. And the state highway leads, in both directions, to interesting places filled with interesting people! For you see, every road leads somewhere! Often we need to stop and wait for direction, maybe paint a picture or two, as God speaks about what to do next. We will approach with caution, but anticipation, to see what lies ahead.