Well, November has been our month of journeys. Moving from Thomson, Georgia to Waco, Texas has included three trips westward with trucks and loads, one plane ride back to pick up a second vehicle, and more miles in GA than it takes to get to Waco, in order to take care of business, and the Thanksgiving Goodbye Tour! We stayed in nine different places in two weeks in five states. We have settled in as Texans just in time for Christmas!
Our oldest son and family live in Waco, and asked us to move “before we get too old.” Things began to fall into place, and here we are, beginning a new chapter in our journey. We are buying 29 acres and the beginnings of a house that we will renovate. Meanwhile, we have been given a place to stay as long as needed on an 80 acre ranch, through the hospitality of a kind and generous friend. I look forward to painting this peaceful setting and sharing it with you in the months ahead.
In November…
Painting on Peter’s Point – Amelia Island, FL
After weeks of packing, rather than painting, I was thrilled to have time to paint en plein air during a visit with family.

First Show in Texas!
I’m excited to begin this new chapter with an acceptance into a December Art Show at Cultivate712 Art Gallery in Downtown Waco! The theme “Sacred Reflections” seemed the right time to submit these two paintings. They will hang there for the month of December.

No matter if you are moving across the country, or travelling the same route every day, we all go through potholes, have flat tires, and get stuck at times. But we follow a Savior who knows the way and makes the path straight.
It’s all about the journey, remember. …And who travels with you on the way.
May our Christmas season reflect the path of Peace, available to us all year long, through Jesus Christ, our Savior!
Change of Address:
Steve and Melanie Stokes
PO Box 24062
Waco, TX 76702
Email addresses and cell phone numbers will stay the same.